MySword for Android Migration Tools v.2.3 is now ready for download.

The following are the notable changes in this version:

  1. RTF to MySword HTML conversion (RTF2MySwordHTML.dll) improvements:
    1. MLSJ conversion of special Hyperlink tw://*.*?txt=Entry will be properly converted. Currently, this is just converted to a self-link which actually means there is no entry in MLSJ as only Greek entries exist.
    2. bold/italic wrapping hyperlinks are now properly converted.
    3. initial support for RVF bullets and numbers lists including nesting. New lines (breaks entered in TheWord via Shift-ENTER) in items are also supported.
    4. support for Bible links without tags in RTF conversion if the format is BookAbbr_Chapter_Verse(range), e.g. Joh_3:16. This is because copy-paste of links in e-Sword Study Notes then migrate to TheWord commentary may not have link tags.
    5. RTF fonttbl whose list are separated by new lines are now ignored.
    6. RTF Bible links will now use the custom text link for display so that you can now see Bible links like "Ps lxx 1" as in Matthew Henry.
    7. RVF dictionary links without tid= is now supported.
    8. RTF dictionary links will now use the custom text link for display.
    9. RTF commentary self links will now work and not linked to dictionary entry.
  2. Updated TheWordBible2MySword.exe to include the if present in the TheWord file. Also made the logic that extracts information at the end of the TheWord file case-insensitive (some modules use About instead of about).
  3. Updated the dictionary migrator so that empty entries are excluded and will no longer throw an exception of Specified cast is not valid.
  4. Updated the commentary migrator so that the record that cause an error will be indicated so that it can be rectified.

These set of tools can be used to migrate TheWord unencrypted and uncompressed Bible, Commentary, Dictionary, General Book, Devotional and Graphics/Map modules to MySword format. Please go to the Download MySword Migration Tools page.

Now, enjoy using MySword even more!

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