Download Bibles in major languages here. If you want to download Bibles in indigenous or minor languages please go here: Download Bibles - Indigenous.

Language: English (79)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1A Faithful Version [AFV]1.7517 August 2021
2A Faithful Version with Strong's numbers and Morphology [AFV+]3.718.211 April 2024
3American King James Version [AKJV]1.75.215 June 2009
4American King James Version + Strong's numbers [AKJV+]2.27.69 October 2021
5Authorized King James Version Pure Cambridge Edition [AKJV/PCE]2.48.416 October 2018
6American Standard Version [ASV]1.85.525 November 2023
7American Standard Version (Byzantine Text with Apocrypha) [ASVBT]2.67.923 April 2024
8Bible in Basic English [BBE]1.6518 August 2012
9The Holy Bible, Berean Study Bible - courtesy of Bible Hub ( [BSB]1.95.428 March 2022
All editions of the Berean Bible, Courtesy of Bible Hub (,
10The Holy Bible, Berean Literal Bible - courtesy of Bible Hub ( [BLB]0.51.49 March 2017
11Bishops' Bible (1568) [Bishops]1.759 January 2016
12Catholic Public Domain Version [CPDV]2.47.631 May 2016
13Coverdale Bible of 1535 [Coverdale]1.74.99 January 2016
14Darby translation 1890 [Darby]2.16.722 June 2020
15Douay-Rheims Bible, Challoner Revision [DRC]1.75.230 November 2010
16Easy English Bible - Recommended for beginners in English [EasyEnglish]2.815.36 October 2015
Courtesy of Wycliffe Associates (UK)
17Emphasized Bible [EBR]1.85.312 March 2024
18English Majority Text Version 2011 Edition - Courtesy of Paul Esposito ( [EMTV]0.51.319 April 2012
19English Revised Version [ERV]1.64.913 January 2022
20English Septuagint (Brenton’s) [LXXE]1.3413 May 2016
21Updated Brenton English Septuagint (Updated Spelling and Formatting) [LXXEU]2.16.49 March 2024
22Free Bible Version [FBV]1.95.322 February 2024
23Geneva Bible (1560) [Geneva]1.659 January 2016
24GOD’S WORD Translation Bible - courtesy of God's Word to the Nations Mission Society. To offer GOD’S WORD® for offline use, our agreement with the publisher requires that we share usage statistics with them. By proceeding, you agree to these terms. [GW]55.622 January 2021
God's Word to the Nations Mission Society website:
25Great Bible (1539) [Great]1.759 January 2016
26International Standard Version Bible (ISV) - Courtesy of The ISV Foundation ( [ISV]1.85.36 July 2022
The ISV Foundation website:
27Jewish Publication Society Tanakh - 1917 [Tanakh-1917]1.34.122 September 2014
28Jonathan Mitchell New Testament [JMNT]13.225 October 2013
Courtesy of Jonathan Mitchell:
29King James 2000 Version [KJ2000]1.6513 February 2020
30King James Version with Strong's numbers [KJV]2.38.116 June 2023
31King James Version without Strong's numbers [KJVLite]1.85.416 June 2023
32Lexham English Bible [LEB]26.816 June 2012
33Lighthouse Bible [LHB]1.64.98 January 2012
34Literal Standard Version [LSV]1.65.112 November 2020
35The Logos Bible - Courtesy of Paul Esposito ( [LOGOS]1.85.518 January 2021
36LXX2012: Septuagint in American English 2012 [LXX2012]26.12 March 2019
37LXX2012: Septuagint in British/International English 2012 [LXX2012UK]26.12 March 2019
38Matthew Bible (1537) [Matthew]1.759 January 2016
39Modern King James Version [MKJV1962]1.64.811 July 2020
40Modern Literal Version - Courtesy of [MLV]525.320 December 2019
41New English Translation - Courtesy of Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. [NET]1.75.119 April 2012
42New English Translation 2nd Ed - Courtesy of Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. [NET2]1.85.714 February 2019
43New Heart English Bible [NHEB]1.95.511 July 2024
All editions of New Heart English Bible, Courtesy of Public Domain Bibles:
44New Heart English Bible: Aramaic Names New Testament Edition [NHEB-AN]1.75.111 June 2024
Replaces the New Testament only, New Heart English Bible (NHEB) New Testament: Aramaic Names Edition (NHEB-NT-AN)
45New Heart English Bible Messianic Edition [NHEB-ME]1.85.411 June 2024
46New Heart English Bible Special Edition (Jehovah) [NHEB-JE]1.85.311 June 2024
47New Heart English Bible Special Edition (Jesus Messiah) [NHEB-JM]1.75.111 June 2024
48New Heart English Bible Special Edition (YHWH) [NHEB-YHWH]1.95.611 June 2024
49One Unity Resource Bible [OURB]1.13.321 February 2024
50Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spellings) [OEBcw]0.51.415 January 2024
51Open English Bible (US Spellings) [OEBus]0.71.925 July 2022
52Plain English Version [PEV]0.51.723 May 2024
53Restored Name King James Version [RNKJV]1.64.95 December 2022
54Smith's Literal Translation [SLT]1.64.87 June 2021
55The Scriptures 2009 - Courtesy of Institute for Scripture Research ( - please download a font (required) [TS2009]4.65.311 July 2023
Institute for Scripture Research website:
56The Twentieth Century New Testament [20cNT]0.51.410 July 2020
57Translation for Translators [T4T]2.37.311 October 2023
58Tyndale Bible of 1534 [Tyndale]0.72.29 January 2016
59unfoldingWord® Literal Text - courtesy of unfoldingWord (, replaces Unlocked Literal Bible [ULT]1.75.36 February 2024
60unfoldingWord® Simplied Text - courtesy of unfoldingWord (, replaces Unlocked Dynamic Bible [UST]2.16.56 February 2024
61Unlocked Dynamic Bible - courtesy of unfoldingWord (, deprecated and replaced by unfoldingWord® Simplied Text [UDB]26.17 December 2017
62Unlocked Literal Bible - courtesy of unfoldingWord (, deprecated and replaced by unfoldingWord® Literal Text [ULB]1.757 December 2017
63Updated King James Version [UKJV]1.75.420 June 2011
64Voice in the Wilderness - 2008, A [VW]1.64.83 June 2023
65Webster Bible Translation [Webster]1.85.515 June 2009
66Wesley's New Testament 1755 [Wesley]0.61.815 June 2009
67Weymouth NT [WMTH]0.51.424 October 2013
68New Weymouth New Testament Jesus Messiah Edition, with NHEB OT [WMTH-JM]1.85.117 November 2020
69New Weymouth New Testament Messianic Edition, with NHEB-ME Tanakh [WMTH-ME]1.85.229 July 2021
70Wilbur Pickering’s New Testament - Courtesy of the author [WPNT]0.82.212 March 2012
71World English Bible [WEB]1.75.229 March 2024
72World English Bible Updated [WEBU]1.75.229 March 2024
73World English Bible: British Edition [WEBBE]1.75.229 March 2024
74World Messianic Bible British Edition [WMBB]1.75.229 March 2024
Formerly named as World English Bible: British Messianic Edition. The old abbreviation is WEBBME.
75World Messianic Bible [WMB]1.75.229 March 2024
Formerly named as World English Bible: Messianic Edition The old abbreviation is WEBME.
76World Messianic Bible (The Hebrew Names Version) [HNV]1.75.229 March 2024
The Messianic Edition is initially called Hebrew Names Version (HNV). This module is exactly the same as the WEBME and is retained for those who liked the abbreviation HNV
77Wycliffe's Bible (1382) [Wycliffe]1.659 January 2016
78Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling - courtesy of Terence Noble [Wycliffe-Modern]2.88.62 May 2018
79Young's Literal Translation [YLT]1.6511 July 2020

Language: Interlinear (12)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1A Conservative Version Reverse Interlinear New Testament Miniscule Edition [ACV-nt]1.27.427 March 2021
2Apostolic Bible Polyglot Greek-English Interlinear - Courtesy of The Apostolic Press ( [ABP]12.41310 April 2013
Website: Printed edition is available from their website.
3The Holy Bible, Berean Interlinear Bible (NT/Greek) - courtesy of Bible Hub ( [BIB]1.67.19 March 2017
4The Holy Bible, Berean Interlinear Bible (OT/Hebrew and NT/Greek), 5 Layers - courtesy of Bible Hub ( [BIB+]8.642.813 October 2022
5BHSE; Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Enhanced) - Courtesy of SHEBANQ (; enhanced by Eliran Wong [BHSE]94.3831.95 May 2016
6Czech Bible with Strongs and Morphology [SBibleCZ]6.425.59 July 2024
Starý zákon: automatizovaný překlad z angličtiny do češtiny, vytvořen s pomocí automatického překladače DeepL (s laskavým svolením společnosti DeepL SE, Kralický text Nového zákona se Strongovými čísly byl s laskavým svolením pana Lubomíra Ouzkého převzat převzat z projektu bibler (
7ETCBC [Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia; 5th ed.; KJV versification] - Courtesy of SHEBANQ (; enhanced by Eliran Wong ( [ETCBC]8.156.62 February 2017
Contains a custom Strong dictionary (ETCBC) and a modified version of RMAC that included Hebrew morphology.
8HiSB: Hebrew interpolated Study Bible (with Strong's numbers, English gloss, Transliteration, Morpheme indicators) - Courtesy of [HiSB]12.117.410 October 2014
9Interlineal NT Griego-Español-Inglés basado en el Proyecto OGNT [iNT-OGNTe+]7.244.921 October 2020
10Open Greek New Testament Bible ( [OGNT]47.2363.327 October 2018
Contains a custom Strong dictionary (OGNT) and a modified version of RMAC (OGNTRMAC).
See release notes.
11Open Hebrew Bible ( [OHB]95.9795.615 December 2018
Contains Unabridged BDB dictionary (OGNT) and a custom Hebrew Morphology (ETCBCMorph).
See release notes.
12Biblia în limba română, Interliniar al Scripturilor în limba greacă [ROG]3.213.323 October 2023

Language: Afrikaans (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Die Pad van Waarheid tot die Lewe Afrikaanse vertaling vanuit Aramees en Hebreeus. [PWL]1.75.326 May 2014

Language: Albanian (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Albanian Bible [Alb]1.85.121 April 2022

Language: Arabic (العَرَبِية) (2)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Arabic Bible Updated [AB-Updated]28.310 October 2019
2الكتاب المقدس باللغة العربية، فان دايك Arabic Van Dyck translation of the Holy Bible [Arb-VD]28.217 April 2017

Language: Armenian (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Western Armenian New Testament of 1853 [WestArmNT]0.72.626 September 2009

Language: Bulgarian (български) (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Bulgarian Bible (Revision Veren) - Courtesy of VEREN Ltd. ( [BULVEREN]1.87.118 May 2016

Language: Catalan (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1La Bíblia del 2000 - Courtesy of Institució Bíblica Evangèlica De Catalunya ( and pedrAngular ( [BEC]1.85.28 October 2011
IBEC website:
pedrAngular website:

Language: Cebuano (3)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Balaan nga Bibliya - Unlocked Literal Bible in the Cebuano language of the Republic of the Philippines [CEBULB]1.85.71 December 2021
2Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version [CebBugna]1.86.326 September 2009
3Cebuano Bible KJB [CebuanoKJB]1.75.814 October 2023

Language: Chinese (中文) (12)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Chinese Union Version - Classical Chinese 文言文和合本 [CUV/C]1.33.415 October 2011
2Chinese Union Version - Simplified Enhanced (简体中文和合本圣经增强版) by Ben Zheng [CUV-e]1.54.130 March 2023
3Chinese Union Version Simplified Updated/Revised 2016 中国协和版(简体)更新(修订) [Cuv/S-Revised]1.64.29 April 2019
4Chinese Union Version 和合本 - Simplified with Strong's numbers 简体中文版连史特朗经文滙篇 [Cuv/S]2.16.517 March 2014
5Chinese Union Version 和合本 - Simplified without Strong's numbers 简体中文版无史特朗经文滙篇 [Cuv/S-Lite]1.5427 May 2015
6Chinese Union Version 和合本 - Traditional with Strong's numbers 繁體中文版連史特朗經文滙篇 [Cuv/T]2.16.517 March 2014
7Chinese Union Version 和合本 - Traditional without Strong's numbers 繁體中文版無史特朗經文滙篇 [Cuv/T-Lite]1.5427 May 2015
8Romanized Chinese 拼音和合本 (Pinyin) [Pinyin]1.65.117 March 2014
9中文英皇欽定本上帝版 Chinese King James Version Shang-Di 繁體中文 (Traditional) [CKJVSD/T]1.54.115 February 2014
10中文英皇欽定本神版 Chinese King James Version God 繁體中文 (Traditional) [CKJVG/T]1.54.115 February 2014
11中文英皇钦定本上帝版 Chinese King James Version Shang-Di 简体中文 (Simplified) [CKJVSD/S]1.54.115 February 2014
12中文英皇钦定本神版 Chinese King James Version God 简体中文 (Simplified) [CKJVG/S]1.54.115 February 2014

Language: Croatian (Hrvatski) (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Croatian translation [Croatian]1.74.515 June 2009

Language: Czech (Čeština) (3)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Czech Bible 21 [CzeB21]1.84.715 June 2009
2Czech Bible Kralicka [CzeBKR]1.84.75 November 2014
3Czech Bible with Strongs and Morphology [SBibleCZ]6.425.59 July 2024
Starý zákon: automatizovaný překlad z angličtiny do češtiny, vytvořen s pomocí automatického překladače DeepL (s laskavým svolením společnosti DeepL SE, Kralický text Nového zákona se Strongovými čísly byl s laskavým svolením pana Lubomíra Ouzkého převzat převzat z projektu bibler (

Language: Dutch (Nederlands) (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Dutch Statenvertaling [SV]2610 October 2010

Language: Finnish (Suomi) (2)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Kirkkoraamattu 1776 [KR1776]1.85.55 August 2010
2Kirkkoraamattu 1933/38 [KR33/38]1.85.416 November 2009

Language: French (Français) (5)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1French J.N.Darby translation [DarbyFR]1.75.128 April 2014
2French J.N.Darby translation 1975 [DarbyFR2]1.95.728 July 2019
3French Martin 1744 [Martin]1.95.715 June 2009
4La Bible Augustin Crampon 1923 [Crampon]1.85.113 March 2014
5Louis Segond 1910 [LSG]1.85.415 June 2009

Language: Gangte (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Gangte Bible [Gangte]4.34.912 May 2015
Courtesy of Bible Society of India

Language: German (Deutsch) (11)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Bengel NT 1974 [Bengel]0.6215 June 2009
2Elberfelder Übersetzung von 1871 [Elb1871]1.85.515 June 2009
3German Darby Unrevidierte Elberfelder 1905 [Elb]1.85.615 June 2009
4Hermann Menge (1841-1939) Translation [Menge]25.718 February 2015
5Leonberger Bibel (NA28) - courtesy of verlag causa mundi [Leo-NA28]0.61.516 December 2017
6Leonberger Bibel (RP05) - courtesy of verlag causa mundi [Leo-RP05]0.61.616 December 2017
7Luther translation 1545 [Luther 1545]1.74.931 January 2018
8Luther translation 1912 [Luther 1912]1.7523 December 2022
9Neue evangelistische Übersetzung (NeÜ) [NeÜ-bibel.heute]2.15.62 May 2024
10Schlachter Bibel (1951) [Schlachterbibel 1951]1.8513 October 2022
11Textbibel des Alten und Neuen Testaments [Textbibel]25.715 November 2010

Language: Greek (Ancient) Αρχαία Ελληνικά (17)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1The Analytic Septuagint [ALXX]2.213.222 June 2020
2Beza, Greek New Testament [Beza]0.73.62 January 2015
3Byzantine/Majority Text (2000) Greek NT with Strong's Numbers and parsing info [Byz]0.95.53 January 2020
4New Testament in the Original Greek – Byzantine Textform 2005 - Courtesy of Chilton Book Publishing [Byz2005+]0.95.520 December 2014
5The New Testament in the original Greek — Byzantine textform 2005 with breathings, punctuation, capitalization, Strong's numbers, parsing data, lemmas, Byzantine variants and Nestle-Aland variants - Courtesy of Chilton Book Publishing [Byz2005++]1.37.927 April 2017
6Greek New Testament with Variants [GRV]1.38.83 January 2020
7Greek New Testament with variants and parsing info (Enhanced edition) [GRVx]1.27.524 July 2017
8The Greek New Testament, edited by Wayne A. Mitchell [MGNT]0.72.87 May 2024
9SBL Greek New Testament - please download a font (required) [SBLGNT]1.48.65 August 2020
10Septuagint Old Testament [LXX]1.56.715 June 2009
11Septuagint Old Testament with accents [LXXA]1.57.110 February 2017
12Textus Receptus - Editio Regia Greek NT with variants, Strong's numbers, parsing info and lemmas (no Accents) [TR]16.625 May 2015
13Textus Receptus - Editio Regia Greek NT with variants, Strong's numbers, parsing info and lemmas (w/Accents) [TRa]1.2711 July 2022
14Greek Testament by Henry Alford with Strong's numbers, The [Alford]0.84.53 January 2020
15Tischendorf Greek NT 1872, 8th edition - with Strong's Numbers and parsing info [Tischendorf]15.728 January 2010
16Westcott-Hort Greek NT with accents [WH]0.52.111 July 2022
17Westcott-Hort with NA27/UBS4 variants (1881) Greek NT with Strong's Numbers and parsing info [WHNU]0.84.23 January 2020

Language: Greek (Modern) Νέα Ελληνικά (5)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1The Holy Bible, Berean Greek Bible - courtesy of Bible Hub ( [BGB]0.62.19 March 2017
2Η Καινη Διαθηκη Του Ιησου Χριστου [ΗΚΔΤΙΧ]0.62.618 June 2024
3Μεταγλώττιση Σπύρου Καραλή - Έκδοση 3η [Μεταγλώττιση]1.51.87 June 2017
4Μετάφραση Νεόφυτου Βάμβα [Βάμβας]2.29.610 November 2011
5Μετάφραση Νεόφυτου Βάμβα - Πολυτονικό [Βάμβας Πολ.]2.197 May 2017

Language: Hebrew (for Honeycomb and up) (8)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Aleppo Codex [Aleppo]1.24.28 January 2010
2Hebrew Bible: Tanakh (uncorrected) and Brit Hadasha [HB]2.27.94 July 2023
3HB2 – Hebrew Bible: Tanakh with footnotes and Brit Hadasha [HB2]28.111 July 2024
4Modern Hebrew Bible [HEBm]1.44.815 June 2009
5Tanakh with Niqud and T'amim [Tanakh]1.6630 November 2020
6Tanakh with Niqud, T'amim and Strong's numbers [Tanakh+]2.310.130 November 2020
7Tanakh with Niqud, T'amim, Strong's numbers and Morphology [Tanakh++]3.216.130 November 2020
8Westminster Leningrad Codex [WLC]1.46.23 October 2012

Language: Hebrew and Greek (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Text Critical Hebrew OT and Greek NT Editions. Public Domain [HGPD]2.28.711 July 2024

Language: Hungarian (Magyar) (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Hungarian Vizsoly (Karoli) Biblia of 1590 [HunKar]1.95.425 September 2009

Language: Indonesian Bahasa (5)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Indonesian Bahasa Seharihari [ISH]1.85.715 June 2009
2Indonesian Modern Bible - courtesy of Yayasan Anugerah Kebenaran Indonesia [IMB]1.75.522 December 2016
3Indonesian Terjemahan Baru [ITB]1.85.915 June 2009
4Indonesian Terjemahan Lama [ITL]1.96.515 June 2009
5Kitab Suci Bahasa Indonesia Lugas (BIL) - courtesy of Yayasan Lentera Bangsa [BILv1]1.75.55 October 2020

Language: Ilocano (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Ti Biblia - Unlocked Literal Bible in the Ilocano language of the Republic of the Philippines [ILOULB]1.85.61 December 2021

Language: Italian (Italiano) (2)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Italian Giovanni Diodati Bibbia 1649 [IDB]1.85.522 June 2009
2Italian Riveduta Bibbia 1927 [IRB]1.85.415 June 2009

Language: Haitian Creole (Kreyòl ayisyen) (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Nouvo Testaman ak Som yo [HCNT-S]0.51.528 November 2022

Language: Japanese (日本語) (2)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Bungo-yaku: Taisho-kaiyaku (NT) (1950), Meiji-yaku (OT) (1953) [Bungo]1.75.17 July 2010
2Kougo-yaku (OT and NT) (1954/1955) [Kougo]1.86.128 August 2010

Language: Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ) (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Kannada KJV - courtesy of Word of God Ministries ( [KannadaKJV]210.93 December 2016

Language: Korean (한국어) (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Holy Bible: Korean Translation [Kor]1.75.626 September 2009

Language: Koulango (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Bible Koulango [BK]1.65.311 January 2015
Courtesy of Lonnie Palmer

Language: Latin (2)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Jerome's A.D. 405 Biblia Sacra Vulgata Latina (Latin Vulgate) [Vulgate]1.54.315 June 2009
2Vulgate Clementine - "Biblia Sacra Vulgatæ editionis, Sixti V Pontificis Maximi jussu recognita et edita" [VulgClem]1.74.64 November 2014

Language: Lithuanian (Lietuvių) (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Lietuviška Biblija: Senasis ir Naujasis Testamentas - Courtesy of The Word of Faith Christian Fellowship, Lithuania ( [LT-BTZ]1.53.813 June 2014

Language: Malagasy (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Malagasy Bible of 1865 [Malagasy]1.75.625 September 2009

Language: Maori (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Maori Bible [Maori]1.75.725 September 2009

Language: Matu Chin (Myanmar) (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Matupi Chin Standard Bible (With Strong's Numbers) [MCSB+]2.18.715 March 2017

Language: Norwegian (Norsk) (2)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Norwegian: Det Norsk Bibelselskap (1930) [DNB1930]1.64.713 September 2018
2Studentmållagsbibelen frå 1921 [NORSMB]1.74.613 September 2018

Language: Persian (2)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Persian Standard Bible of 1895 (Old Persian) [OPV]1.76.526 May 2010
2Persian Standard Bible of 1895 (Old Persian; Colored version) [OPV_C]1.76.54 November 2015

Language: Pidgin (Tok Pisin) (Papua New Guinea) (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Tok Pisin Bible (Pidgin, Papua New Guinea) [tpiOTNT]27.329 November 2021

Language: Pohnpeian (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Bible in Pohnpeian language (old) [Pon]0.51.427 February 2014

Language: Polish (Polski) (7)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1NBG Polish Bible - Courtesy of Slaskie Towarzystwo Biblijne ( [NBG]1.84.919 April 2012
2NBG Polish Bible (Words of Jesus in red) - Courtesy of Slaskie Towarzystwo Biblijne ( [PNBGd_SJ]1.84.920 April 2012
3Polska Biblia Gdańska 1881 [PBG]1.85.115 June 2009
4Polska Biblia Gdańska 1881 (Words of Jesus in red) [PBGd_SJ]1.74.816 June 2009
5Przekład Toruński Nowego Przymierza [TNP]1.75.112 July 2023
6Uwspółcześniona Biblia Gdańska - Courtesy of Gate of Hope Foundation [PUBG]1.74.813 April 2017
7Uwspółcześniona Biblia Gdańska (Words of Jesus in red) - Courtesy of Gate of Hope Foundation [PUBGd_SJ]1.74.814 April 2017

Language: Portuguese (Português) (5)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Almeida Revisada de acordo com os Melhores Textos em Hebraico e Grego - 1967 [ARM1967]1.74.71 November 2021
2Bíblia LTT - Bíblia Literal do Texto Tradicional, sem as notas mais longas. Português brasileiro [LTT]2617 February 2016
3Bíblia Livre - Uma tradução das Sagradas Escrituras sob uma licença de uso livre [BLivre]1.74.819 October 2016
4Tradução de João Ferreira de Almeida (Versão Revista e Atualizada, grafia usada na Europa) [JFA-RA(Pt)]1.74.71 November 2021
5Tradução de João Ferreira de Almeida Revista e Corrigida [JFA-RC(Pt)]1.75.115 June 2009

Language: Romanian (limba română) (6)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Biblia în limba română, Interliniar al Scripturilor în limba greacă [ROG]3.213.323 October 2023
2Textul Bibliei interliniare ROG [ROGt]1.12.923 October 2023
3FIDELA Biblia în limba română - Courtesy of Dr. Brian J. Nibbe, Sr. ( [Fidela]1.85.322 December 2017
4Romanian Cornilescu [Cornilescu]1.85.411 August 2010
5Romanian Corrected Cornilescu Version [RCCV]1.7511 August 2010
6Romanian Orthodox Bible [ROB]1.85.423 October 2009

Language: Sanskrit - English Scripts - courtesy of (6)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1satyavedaḥ| | Sanskrit Bible in IAST script [San-IAST]0.51.421 November 2018
2satyavedaḥ| | Sanskrit Bible in ISO script [San-ISO]0.51.521 November 2018
3satyavedaH| | Sanskrit Bible in ITRANS script [San-ITRANS]0.51.321 November 2018
4satyavedaH| | Sanskrit Bible in Harvard-Kyoto script [San-Harvard-Kyoto]0.51.221 November 2018
5satyaveda.h| | Sanskrit Bible in Velthuis script [San-Velthuis]0.51.421 November 2018
6satyavEdaH| | Sanskrit Bible in Cologne script [San-Cologne]0.51.221 November 2018

Language: Sanskrit - Indian Scripts - courtesy of (10)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1সত্যৱেদঃ| | Sanskrit Bible in Assamese script [San-Assamese]0.6321 November 2018
2সত্যৱেদঃ| | Sanskrit Bible in Bengali script [San-Bengali]0.6321 November 2018
3सत्यवेदः। | Sanskrit Bible in Devanagari script [San-Devanagari]0.6321 November 2018
4સત્યવેદઃ| | Sanskrit Bible in Gujarati script [San-Gujarati]0.6321 November 2018
5ಸತ್ಯವೇದಃ| | Sanskrit Bible in Kannada script [San-Kannada]0.6321 November 2018
6സത്യവേദഃ| | Sanskrit Bible in Malayalam script [San-Malayalam]0.62.921 November 2018
7ସତ୍ୟୱେଦଃ| | Sanskrit Bible in Oriya script [San-Oriya]0.6321 November 2018
8ਸਤ੍ਯਵੇਦਃ| | Sanskrit Bible in Punjabi script [San-Punjabi]0.63.121 November 2018
9ஸத்யவேத³​:| | Sanskrit Bible in Tamil script [San-Tamil]0.63.421 November 2018
10సత్యవేదః| | Sanskrit Bible in Telugu script [San-Telugu]0.6321 November 2018

Language: Sanskrit - Oriental Scripts - courtesy of (6)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1သတျဝေဒး၊ | Sanskrit Bible in Burmese script [San-Burmese]0.62.921 November 2018
2សត្យវេទះ។ | Sanskrit Bible in Khmer script [San-Khmer]0.6321 November 2018
3සත්‍යවේදඃ| | Sanskrit Bible in Sinhala script [San-Sinhala]0.63.121 November 2018
4สตฺยเวท:ฯ | Sanskrit Bible in Thai script [San-Thai]0.6321 November 2018
5སཏྱཝེདཿ། | Sanskrit Bible in Tibetan script [San-Tibetan]0.62.721 November 2018
6سَتْیَویدَح۔ | Sanskrit Bible in Urdu script [San-Urdu]0.62.521 November 2018

Language: Russian (Русский) (3)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Old Church Slavonic Bible [OCS]1.86.61 December 2012
2Russian Synodal Text 1876 [RST]1.96.84 October 2014
3Russian Synodal Translation with Strong's Numbers. «Синодальный перевод» (СП) – 1876 с номерами Стронга. [RST+]2.59.512 January 2022

Language: Serbian (српски/srpski) (2)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Serbian Bible translated by Danicic (OT) and Karadzic (NT) in ekavian dialect, Latin script [SRL-DK]1.64.219 April 2012
2Serbian NT translated by D. Stefanovic, Latin script [SRL-DS]0.72.119 April 2012

Language: Slovak (Slovenčina) (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Slovak Ecumenical Translation 2008 - courtesy of Slovak Bible Society ( [SEB]2.77.417 January 2012
Slovenský ekumenický preklad © 2008
Nešírit bez povolenia.

Language: Slovenian (Slovenščina) (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Slovenian Bible Chraska 1914 Grabenšek 2023, 2024. Revision Leon Grabenšek, 2023, 2024. Licence Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) [Slovenian ACLG]1.74.42 April 2024

Language: Spanish (Español) (7)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1La Santa Biblia Reina-Valera (1865) con arreglos ortográficos [SpaRV1865]1.74.811 May 2018
2Reina Valera Gómez (palabras de Cristo en rojo) [RVG]1.75.220 May 2009
3Santa Biblia libre para el mundo [SBLM]1.75.115 June 2022
4Santa Biblia - Reina Valera 1909 [R-Valera]1.74.714 June 2022
5Spanish Sagradas Escrituras Version Antigua 1569 [SSEE]1.85.215 June 2009
6Spanish Valera New Testament (1858) [Valera NT]0.61.815 June 2009
7Versión Biblia Libre [VBL]25.514 June 2022

Language: Swedish (Svenska) (4)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Reformationsbibeln 2016 [Refo16]1.43.921 August 2022
2Svenska Folkbibeln 1998 - courtesy of Stiftelsen Svenska Folkbibeln ( [SFB]1.85.23 December 2014
3Svenska Folkbibeln 2015 - courtesy of Stiftelsen Svenska Folkbibeln ( [SFB15]2.36.54 September 2017
Replaces Svenska Folkbibeln 2014 (SFB14)
4Swedish Bible 1917 [Swedish]1.95.43 December 2014

Language: Tagalog (4)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Banal na Bibliya - Tagalog Unlocked Literal Bible [TGLULB]1.85.71 December 2021
2Ang Malayang Biblia 2023 [AMBG]0.31.13 June 2023
3Ang Malayang Biblia 2023, Bagong Tipan [AMB*NT]0.84.13 June 2023
4Tagalog Ang Biblia [TAB]1.86.15 August 2009

Language: Tamil (தமிழ்) (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Tamil Bible - courtesy of Word of God Ministries ( [Tamil]2.314.13 August 2016

Language: Thai (ไทย) (2)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Thai Catholic Bible [ThCB]5.231.211 August 2015
2Thai KJV Bible - พระคัมภีร์ภาษาไทยฉบับ KJV - courtesy of Dr. Philip Pope ( [ThaiKJV]2.111.922 August 2019

Language: Tibetan (ལྷ་སའི་སྐད་) (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Tibetan Bible courtesy of STT Perjanjian-Nya Kabanjahe, Indonesia [Tibetan]2.26.323 May 2015

Language: Tongan (lea faka-Tonga) (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Tongan-KJV [TKJV]1.76.16 November 2014

Language: Ukrainian (Українська) (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Ivan Ogienko Ukrainian Bible of 1930 [UkrIO]27.725 September 2009

Language: Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) (1)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Vietnamese Cadman 1934 Version [Viet]1.75.825 May 2019

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