Download Fonts here. Check this news for more details, bugs and tips about fonts: New and updated fonts uploaded today (16 Oct 2012).

Note that Honeycomb 3.2 was used to get the screen shots because that version do not have problems displaying Hebrew properly in Mysword and Google Android Stock browser.

Language: Most Complete - with accented Greek, for TS2009 (10)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1DejaVu Sans Font [DejaVuSans]1.22.516 October 2012
2DejaVu Sans Condensed Font [DejaVuSansCondensed]1.12.316 October 2012
3DejaVu Serif Font [DejaVuSerif]0.71.316 October 2012

No Hebrew
4DejaVu Serif Condensed Font [DejaVuSerifCondensed]0.71.316 October 2012

No Hebrew
5Free Sans Font [FreeSans]1.5316 October 2012
6Free Serif Font [FreeSerif]3.15.916 October 2012
7Junicode Font [Junicode]12.416 October 2012

No Hebrew
8Linux Biolinum Font [LinuxBiolinum]0.9216 October 2012
9Linux Libertine Font [LinuxLibertine]1.22.716 October 2012
10Open Dyslexic Font [OpenDyslexic]0.50.526 September 2024

No Hebrew

Language: Complete - with accented Greek, not for TS2009 (3)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Cardo Font [Cardo]0.50.94 November 2020
2Crimson Text Font [CrimsonText]0.20.416 October 2012

No Hebrew
3Ubuntu Font [Ubuntu]1.53.216 October 2012

No Hebrew

Language: Greek - good alternate font (2)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Galatia SIL Font [GalatiaSIL]0.10.316 October 2012

No Italic
2SBL Greek Font [SBLGreek]0.41.116 October 2012

No Italic and Bold

Language: Hebrew - good alternate font (9)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Ezra SIL Font [EzraSIL]0.10.316 October 2012

No Italic and Bold
2Keter Aram Tsova [KeterAramTsova]00.17 December 2013

No Italic
3Keter YG [KeterYG]0.10.37 December 2013

Bold does not support cantillation (Ta'amim)
4SBL Hebrew Font [SBLHebrew]0.10.316 October 2012

No Italic and Bold
5Shlomo [Shlomo]0.20.67 December 2013

No Italic
6Shofar [Shofar]0.10.27 December 2013

Bold does not support cantillation (Ta'amim)
7Taamey Ashkenaz [TaameyAshkenaz]0.10.37 December 2013
8Taamey David CLM [TaameyDavidCLM]0.10.37 December 2013

Bold does not support cantillation (Ta'amim)
9Taamey Frank CLM [TaameyFrankCLM]0.10.37 December 2013

Bold does not support cantillation (Ta'amim)

Language: English/Latin - for TS2009 (2)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Charis SIL Font [CharisSIL]26.516 October 2012
2Gentium Plus Font [GentiumPlus]1.13.316 October 2012

No Bold.
Also good as alternate Greek font

Language: Basic English/Latin - not for TS2009, no Greek/Hebrew (25)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Arvo Font [Arvo]0.10.216 October 2012
2Cabin Font [Cabin]0.30.716 October 2012
3Caudex Font [Caudex]0.8216 October 2012
4Cuprum Font [Cuprum]0.20.416 October 2012
5Exo Font [Exo]0.71.516 October 2012

Also available in Extra light, Light, Semi-bold and Bold
6Exo 2 Font [Exo2]0.91.923 September 2014

Also available in Extra light, Light, Semi-bold and Bold
7Gentium Basic Font [GentiumBasic]0.4116 October 2012
8Gentium Book Basic Font [GentiumBookBasic]0.4116 October 2012
9Istok Web Font [IstokWeb]0.4123 September 2014
10Josefin Sans Font [JosefinSans]0.10.216 October 2012
11Josefin Slab Font [JosefinSlab]0.30.616 October 2012
12Lato Font [Lato]0.40.916 October 2012
13Liberation Sans Font [LiberationSans]0.6116 October 2012
14Liberation Serif Font [LiberationSerif]0.40.616 October 2012
15Lora Font [Lora]0.30.616 October 2012
16Nobile Font [Nobile]0.20.323 September 2014
17Open Sans Font [OpenSans]1.32.716 October 2012
18Philosopher Font [Philosopher]0.40.916 October 2012
19PT Sans Font [PTSans]0.81.616 October 2012
20PT Serif Font [PTSerif]0.61.416 October 2012
21Raleway Font [Raleway]0.30.723 September 2014

No Italic (the above is taken from Kitkat which emulates other styles)
22Share Font [Share]0.20.316 October 2012
23Source Sans Pro Font [SourceSansPro]0.51.116 October 2012
24Tinos Font [Tinos]0.10.216 October 2012
25Vollkorn Font [Vollkorn]0.10.216 October 2012

Language: Scripts English/Latin - good for headings and embedded font (9)

#ModuleFile Size (MB)Last Updated
1Alex Brush Font [AlexBrush]00.123 September 2014

No Italic and Bold (the above is taken from Kitkat which emulates other styles)
2Allura Font [Allura]00.123 September 2014

No Italic and Bold (the above is taken from Kitkat which emulates other styles)
3Dancing Script Font [DancingScript]0.10.223 September 2014

No Italic (the above is taken from Kitkat which emulates other styles)
4Great Vibes Font [GreatVibes]00.123 September 2014

No Italic and Bold (the above is taken from Kitkat which emulates other styles)
5Italianno Font [Italianno]0.10.123 September 2014

No Italic and Bold (the above is taken from Kitkat which emulates other styles)
6Lobster Two Font [LobsterTwo]0.30.923 September 2014
7Playball Font [Playball]0023 September 2014

No Italic and Bold (the above is taken from Kitkat which emulates other styles)
8Shadows Into Light Two Font [ShadowsIntoLightTwo]0023 September 2014

No Italic and Bold (the above is taken from Kitkat which emulates other styles)
9Tangerine Font [Tangerine]0.10.123 September 2014

No Italic (the above is taken from Kitkat which emulates other styles)

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