Many users of MySword have taken the time to create many modules (Bibles, Commentaries, Dictionaries, Devotionals, Books, Graphics, Maps) and to convert modules from e-Sword and TheWord to MySword format. You can find links to external sites that distribute hundreds more modules for MySword in this page.

Notice that the responsibility of the content and copyright of the distributed modules in these sites is solely on their owners/creators. No official support can be given for these modules.

The modules are normally in Zip or GZip format. If you are using MySword 2.2 or older, please unzip first and copy to MySword modules path (/sdcard/mysword by default). MySword 2.3 and up can already automatically unzip Zip and GZip modules when you start MySword so you just need to copy the Zip/GZip files to the modules path and restart MySword.

  1. Bible Support - exists to support free Bible software, such as e-Sword. The goal of this website is to allow e-Sword users to:

    • Download thousands of free e-Sword modules
    • Connect with e-Sword users on our message boards
    • Read e-Sword documentation. also supports MySword, a free, popular and easy to use Droid application.

  2. Non-English Bibles from Bible Support

    Please note that Hebrew and Arabic modules are only directly supported by Honeycomb or higher and Android devices bought from Israel and Arabic speaking nations.

  3. MySword Modules Library

    Pastor-Missionary David E. Cox of Mexico started converting his hundreds of TheWord modules from so many authors into MySword format last 2011.

  4. Spanish MySword Modules Library -

    Pastor-Missionary David E. Cox of Mexico started converting his Spanish TheWord modules from so many authors into MySword format last March 2015.

  5. Doctor DaveT's site -

    Dr. David S. Thomason is in the process of converting his e-Sword and TheWord modules from so many authors into MySword format.

3rd Party non-MySword Modules

MySword 11.1 now also supports non-encrypted ESword, MyBible, The Word and USFM bibles and modules. Just place the modules (zipped or not) in mysword folder in the Internal Storage and restart MySword. The following are supported:

  1. e-Sword: RTF-based .bblx, .cmtx, .dctx, .topx and .devx files (e-Sword version 9 and 10); HTML-based .bbli, .cmti, .dcti, .refi and .devi files (e-Sword version 11 and higher).
  2. MyBible: .SQLite3, .commentaries.SQLite3 and .dictionary.SQLite3 files.
  3. USFM: zip file name should contain the word usfm. This zip file must contain the individual books with extension .usfm. Try to test USFM zip files from
  4. The Word: Only unecrypted, uncompressed and unzipped Bibles in UTF-8 are supported (file extensions of .ont, .ot and .nt); unencrypted RTF-based .dct.twm, .cmt.twm, .gbk.twm and .dev.twm files.

The following are sources of free modules:

  1. Bible Support

    Download thousands of free e-Sword books, commentaries, dictionaries, and Bibles.

  2. E-Sword Library

    David Cox’s e-Sword module Library.

  3. theWord Modules.com

    The The Word counterpart of Bible Support. Download thousands of free theWord modules!

  4. twModules.com

    Pastor-Missionary David E. Cox of Mexico's collection of hundreds of TheWord modules.

  5. USFM files

    He started last October 2013.

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