We are happy to announce the availability of MySword 11.1 for download. MySword 11.1's major features are support for non-encrypted ESword, MyBible, The Word and USFM bibles and modules; and other improvements and bugfixes.

Please go to the Download MySword page.

What's new in Version 11.1

  1. Support for bibles, commentaries, dictionaries and books of other Bible apps. Just place the modules (zipped or not) in mysword folder in the Internal Storage and restart MySword. The following are supported:
    1. e-Sword
      1. Bibles - e-Sword version 9 to 10 (.bblx, RTF-based) and version 11 and higher (.bbli, HTML-based). Formerly, the .bblx can be renamed to .bbl.mybible but if it contained RTF formatting then they will show up in MySword, so converting to The Word then to MySword is the only alternative. But now MySword has basic RTF interpreter. Colors are mapped to MySword standard colors.
      2. Commentaries - e-Sword version 9 to 10 (.cmtx, RTF-based) and version 11 and higher (.cmti, HTML-based).
      3. Dictionaries - e-Sword version 9 to 10 (.dctx, RTF-based) and version 11 and higher (.dcti, HTML-based).
      4. Books - e-Sword version 9 to 10 (.topx and .devx, RTF-based) and version 11 and higher (.refi and .devi, HTML-based).
    2. MyBible
      1. Bibles - .SQLite3 files with optional accompanying notes in commentary file .commentaries.SQLite3. Zip file will also do.
      2. Commentaries - .commentaries.SQLite3 files.
      3. Dictionaries - .dictionary.SQLite3 files.
    3. USFM
      • The zip file name should contain the word usfm. This zip file must contain the individual books with extension .usfm. Try to test USFM zip files from https://ebible.org/.
    4. The Word
      1. Bibles - only UTF-8 encoding is supported (.ont, .ot and .nt).
      2. Commentaries - .cmt.twm files.
      3. Dictionaries - .dct.twm files.
      4. Books - .gbk.twm and .dev.twm files.

      Only unencrypted and unzipped modules are supported (EXE files are not supported).

      For Commentaries, Dictionaries and Books, only RTF content is supported (RVF is not) and compressed modules are supported but not encrypted ones.

    e-Sword, MyBible and non-Bible The Word modules are not migrated into MySword format but instead adapted by adding SQLite views or adding some fields or table. USFM and The Word Bibles are migrated to MySword format and the original file is deleted. All modules are moved into the appropriate folders.

  2. New Text-to-speech (TTS) preference: Skip parallel abbreviation.
  3. New Deluxe Editor preference for smartphones via Menu: Split view panes. This will enable the split view which is only available in tablets for Deluxe. The Split icon is also now avaiable on the right pane and can make the right pane full-width hiding the Editor.
  4. New Deluxe Search preference for smartphones via Menu in Search Bible: Split view panes. This will enable the split view which is only available in tablets for Deluxe. Added also Split icon at the bottom right to cycle the split size similar to the Editor.

Bugs Fixed in Version 11.1

  1. Fixed the bug of Dark holographic theme drop down text hard to read in Android Q.
  2. File Manager tap on .mybible and Open as for .mybible.gz and .mybible.zip no longer worked in Nougat and higher.
  3. Search History list tap sensitivity is only for the text and not the blank right of text for initial items.
  4. Edit Cross References should not have Preferences in the menu.
  5. Non-bible content popup may have an invalid creation of Bible link in case a reference pattern is found in the HTML attribute value.
  6. Strong's links on text (Deluxe) don't work on text ending in punctuation marks followed by Strong/Morphology.

We are making MySword better. Thank you for your feedback.

Enjoy using MySword!

Sow your Seed

Your giving is not a payment but a SEED sown to support this software project. Please note that we are not selling this app but we are giving these Premium Version and Deluxe Complete Edition as complimentary gifts to our generous givers. There is a minimum giving amount required to have the Premium Version and Deluxe Complete Edition. For more information please contact us.

After giving your seed, please wait for MySword Technical Support to prepare your activation code within 24 hours (our time zone is GMT+800). You will be receiving an email using the email you used in PayPal with instructions on how to activate.

If you were not able to receive your activation code, please email us using your alternative and reliable email address (Gmail or Yahoo).