
We are happy to announce the availability of MySword 7.2 for download. MySword 7.2's major features are Find in page for all views in the main screen and popup link as a new type of hyperlink for popup text in WYSIWYG Editor.

Please go to the Download MySword page.

The noteworthy new features of MySword 7.2 are:

  1. Find in page for all views in the main screen via Menu useful for locating text within a page for non-Bible modules.

    Find in Page

  2. WYSIWYG Editor improvement: popup link as a new type of hyperlink for popup text which also had an option to use a full WYSIWYG Editor. Formerly, this is only made possible via Custom Link and using prefix r for the link but embedding HTML things is complicated. The new popup link WYSIWYG Editor simplifies that.
  3. Embedded XRefs in Bible modules improvement, support for TheWord's other range formats:
    1. +Interval, e.g. , equivalent to which is already supported
    2. verse 0, e.g. , equivalent to (whole chapter)
  4. Edit Cross-References (Deluxe) improvement: Search for adding verse or range.
  5. Word Frequency Improvement (Deluxe) for Jellybean and higher: added option to show Bubble Chart or Word Cloud.

Bugs Fixed in Version 7.2

  1. Text-to-speech bugs:
    1. Stop is not working in Marshmallow and higher but causes to skip all remaining verses then continue to the next chapter.
    2. Play on Commentary, Dictionary and Book (Deluxe) without any module will cause a crash.
  2. Multiple verses (range) notes:
    1. Edit does not display the correct verse to but is always the same as verse from.
    2. Editing the verse to will incrementally add one verse, e.g. 10 becomes 11.
  3. Delete module bugs:
    1. Compare and Parallel is not refreshed so error loading is displayed for the deleted Bible.
    2. When any Bible is deleted, navigating back via history to a Parallel view will cause a crash.
    3. When the last in the list is deleted in Commentary or Dictionary, navigating back via history could cause a crash.

We are making MySword better. Thank you for your feedback.

Enjoy using MySword!

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Your giving is not a payment but a SEED sown to support this software project. Please note that we are not selling this app but we are giving these Premium Version and Deluxe Complete Edition as complimentary gifts to our generous givers. There is a minimum giving amount required to have the Premium Version and Deluxe Complete Edition. For more information please contact us.

After giving your seed, please wait for MySword Technical Support to prepare your activation code within 24 hours (our time zone is GMT+800). You will be receiving an email using the email you used in PayPal with instructions on how to activate.

If you were not able to receive your activation code, please email us using your alternative and reliable email address (Gmail or Yahoo).