Greetings! We are happy to announce the availability of MySword 16.0 for download. MySword 16.0's features include Editor improvement: an option for inline floating toolbar.
Please go to the Download MySword page.
What's new in Version 16.0
- Editor improvements (available for WebView Chrome version 89 and higher):
- Option for inline floating toolbar: None, Basic, Extended, Complete, Custom
- Custom arrangement of inline floating toolbar buttons. Complete or Reset:
undo redo | styles fontsizeinput lineheight | bold italic underline strikethrough superscript subscript forecolor backcolor | table align numlist bullist outdent indent removeformat
- Alternate title improvement: now included also in Psalms with existing titles.
The screenshot below shows Psalms 46 WEB using BSB alternate title with cross-references shown.
- ESword 11 dictionary, commentary and book support improvement: support for num tags for Strong links.
We are making MySword better. Thank you for your feedback.
Enjoy using MySword!